Current Initiatives
BCPRA has been representing the interests of our local community for over 100 years. In this role it maintains regular contact with State and local government authorities as well as the community we serve.
Click on photos below for more information.

Bayview Baths Restoration
Thomas Stephens Reserve Upgrade

Modernisation of bus service along McCarrs Creek Road
Traffic Calming

McCarrs Creek Reserve

Walkway Scout Hall to Bayview Baths

Pedestrian Safety-McCarrs Creek Road

Houseboat Proliferation

Commuter Wharf Expansion at Church Point

King Edward Avenue Dangerous Intersection

Church Point Reserve Foreshore Walkway

Bayview Traffic Delays St Luke’s Grammar School
Northern Beaches Council Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).
The Northern Beaches Council is currently drafting a new Local Environment Plan (LEP) along with a new Development Control Plan (DCP). This follows reforms to NSW Planning arrangements and the requirement to consolidate the LEPs and DCPs of the four councils that were merged to form the Northern Beaches Council.
In broad terms, an LEP guides planning decisions for a local government area through zoning and development controls. The DCP provides more detailed planning and design guidelines to support the planning controls in the LEP. Both documents can have a big impact on shaping future development in our area.
More information on this subject can be found on the Council website here.
A number of residents’ associations including BCPRA are in discussion with Council on potential areas for improvement based on our experiences with the Pittwater LEP/DCP that are currently still in place. With this in mind, we would appreciate information on any experiences that you have encountered, along with suggestions for improvement. With your permission, we would then plan to send comments to Council, either in full or in paraphrased form, depending upon your wishes.
Please address any comments to
Please feel free to contact us with comments or suggestions for our local community